Upcoming Events
Noon Recital with Michael Olson at
First Lutheran Church
12:45 PM -
1:15 PM
619 Broadway N.
Fargo, ND 58102
Join the RRVAGO members for the weekly noon recital at First Lutheran. The pews are open with social distancing measures in place, and we ask that you wear a mask if you will be physically present. If you would like to watch virtually, a Facebook Livestream will also be available and archived to our Facebook page.
Join the RRVAGO
Whether you are a seasoned organist, a beginning student, work with organists, or simply love organ music, you are invited to join the Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Click here to learn about different types of memberships. Regardless of the type of membership that suits you best, most memberships are handled through the American Guild of Organists national office. The national office then notifies our chapter about your membership.
If you desire to join at the local level only through the membership level known as "Chapter Friend," please use the email address below to inquire.
If you have any questions about the different types of memberships, please email the RRVAGO Membership Committee at webmaster@rrvago.org.